среда, 9 ноября 2011 г.

hair color over highlights in ATWATER hair color over highlights ATWATER

hair color over highlights in ATWATER

hair color over highlights

hair color over highlights ATWATER

hair color over highlights in ATWATER.My hair is naturally blonde, a couple shades lighter than yours, if you can imagine that.
But, i think you could look cute with darker hair, i don;t thin it will make you look pale!
I have a friend who has naturally brown hair and puts blonde hgihlights in it.
She is extremely pale and it looks good on her!
But if you do end up hating it you can always die it back, right?
It should show how it will turn out on your hair color and you may have to go a few shades darker.
A few years ago, my mom died her blonde hair brown and it came out a very light brown, almost gray!
It will tell you what hair color line of their brand to use and what shade!
It could be helpful!
I hope i helped!

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